克里夫蘭州立大學 財務金融系 博士
克里夫蘭州立大學 企管系(主修財務金融) 碩士
靜宜大學 企管系 學士
英國雪菲爾大學 材料科學與工程學系 博士
台灣大學 生物環境系統工程學系 學士
This course is expected to guide students to understand the 17 selective sustainable development problems that are hidden behind daily life and human beings' need to face. Take the experience of model cases as the object of study, and use innovative knowledge and tools to analyze the course and revolution of the coexistence of its commercial development and green sustainability. In terms of teaching strategies, we hope to guide students to: 1. Analyze the global issues from a macro perspective and statistical data. 2. Use the six aspects of PESTEL analysis to find opportunities for the coexistence of business operations and sustainable development. 3. Learn the definition and methods of innovation, and predict the difficulties and challenges that as an innovator may face in the process. 4. Taking the development history of a global model enterprise as a case, explore innovative processes, business models, and brand culture that conform to the concept of sustainability.
1. Understand the sustainable development goals of the United Nations from different perspectives.
2. Integrate industry development trends with corporate social responsibility.
3. From the two aspects of theory and actual cases of Taiwanese companies, to understand the innovation process and innovation practice.
Undergraduate students; Postgraduate students; Instructors
1. Introduce global sustainable development.
2. Case analysis of model enterprises.
3. Describe the definition, type, and process of innovation.
Week01 Sustainable Development
Week02 Enterprise vs Sustainability
Week03 Complexity in Innovation – Between Dream and Reality
Week04 From Cradle to Cradle
Week05 After One, Come Two
Week06 The Making of a Culture
Test : 60%
Peer-review assignments: 40%
Conditions for obtaining course certificate/certificate:
1. Completed all of the learning activities of each unit;
2. The total score of study must above 60;
3. Approached those conditions will be issued a course certificate/certificate.
Definition of ESG, CSR, and SDGs