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學英文 我行的!Learning English, I can make it!
本課程授課教師朱曉薇老師於美國愛達荷大學 (University of Idaho) 取得博士學位。在回台任教前於愛達荷大學  American Language and Culture Program 擔任ESL教師達三年半時間。 目前任職於國立勤益科技大學語言中心。

  • Chu, S. W., & Greer, A. (2017, October). My Teacher is in the Clouds. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2017. Kobe, Japan. 
  • Chu, S. W. (2016). English language teacher’s professional development in web-based community. Journal of US-China Education Review A, 6(4), 255-261.
  • A new paradigm in ESL teaching and learning environments: Online professional development for Taiwanese ESL instructors (Doctoral Dissertation)


Instead of memorizing English grammar rules and vocabulary words only, in this online intensive English course students will not only learn to use English grammar, vocabulary, idioms, sentence structures from the reading, writing, listening and speaking materials in various units, but also understand some parts of American culture from the instructor's personal experience. 
Students will also practice using spoken and written languages in English to communicate with foreigners.
Moreover, students will complete at least one authentic task in order to practice using English skills in daily life at the end of the course.


1. Students will learn English pronunciation and phonics. 
2. Students will learn how to use English grammar, such as singular-plural nouns, verb tenses, the use of modal verbs, the use of adjective and adverb, and so forth appropriately. 
3. Students will learn communication skills and practice having conversations in English. 
4. Students will practice writing on various topics, such as a formal vs. informal email, a invitation letter, a complaint letter, and a thank you. 
5. Students will learn to use content and context to understand the author’s purposes (main idea & specific details), make inferences, and summarize the reading texts. 
6. Students will learn to use various idioms.


Learners who are interested in learning English


This is a 10-week course, and there are 4 units in each week. 
Each unit which takes approximately 10 to 18 minutes focuses on one main topic, and is presented by the instructor, Dr. Shiao-Wei Chu, and the guest speaker, Mr. Chad Eller with powerpoint slides. 
Students will learn the knowledge of the assigned topics first, and they will follow the instructions to complete the assignments in order to practice each skill and topic after class.


Week 1: Syllabus & Orientation; Grammar Review I & II; Interview Mr. Eller

Week 2: English Idioms I, II, III & IV

Week 3: Writing: What’s a Paragraph?, Email, Complaint Letter & Thank You Letter

Week 4: Reading: Main Idea, Specific details, Inferences & Summary

Week 5: Mid-term Exam 

Week 6: Speaking: Conversation Scenarios: “A First Aid Kit”, “At a Hair Salon”, “Customs” & “Immigration”; Introduce Final Task

Week 7: Listening: Intonation & Stress I & II, Phonic I & II

Week 8: Pronunciation: British English vs. American English  

Week 9: Culture and Study Abroad Experiences 

Week 10: Final Task Due


Homework Assignment: 50% (Post the assignments online time with quality work and actively participate in the online discussions.) 
Mid-term Assessment: 20% (Take an one-hour online test.) 
Final Assessment: 30% (Submit the final project on time.)